Installation 2018 University of Liverpool Mark Lodge No 1062
University of Liverpool Mark Lodge No 1062 meet at The Liverpool Medical Institution.  The building was opened in1837 and is a Grade two listed building and was made a World Heritage site in 1952.  It is still used as a meeting place for the medical community on Merseyside. 
WM  WBro Adam Kennaugh & DC WBro John Ryan
On Monday 19th February it also hosted the Installation meeting of University of Liverpool Mark Lodge No 1062.  It is customary for the Lodge members to wear their full academic robes at lodge meetings.  Guests are also invited to wear academic robes if appropriate.  Present for the meeting was WBro Giles Berkley P.G.Stwd Assistant Provincial Grand Master.
APGM, WBro Giles Berkley and WM, WBro Adam Kennaugh
The Lodge was opened and the usual domestic and private business carried out.  A welcome was then given to a joining member to the Lodge WBro Glyn Jones LL.B (Hons) PPrGSD. WBro Steve Walls PAGDC Prov AGDC entered and announced the Assistant Provincial Grand Master.    WBro Berkley, (wearing his academic rode being BSc (econ) Hons); and the Grand and acting Provincial Grand Officers entered the Lodge.
The APGM and WM surround by Grand Offices and acting Provincial Grand Offices. Third from
left is WBro Derek Walsh PrGJW (Chehsire) and to his left WBro Tony Thackrah PrGJO..
Before the actual installation WBro Michael Collins LL.B (Hons) gave an excellent eulogy in Honour of Departed Merit WBro John Howson Lloyd MBE, FRICS, PPrGSD. This year’s installation was a proclamation ceremony with WBro Adam Kennaugh staying in the chair.
WBro Glyn Jones; WBro Giles Berkley; WBro Adam Kennaugh
The proclamation was done by the DC WBro John Ryan PAGDC.  WBro Ryan also did to the Wardens address.  The address to the overseers was given by WBro Dave Roberts.  It was left to WBro Berkley to do the address to the brethren.    All three addresses were of the highest quality.
SW WBro Tom Marlow; APGM; WM; JW, WBro Chris Walls  
After the meeting everyone enjoyed a candle light festive board.  In his response to the toast to Grand Lodge WBro Giles Berkley brought the brethren up to date with what the charities had been doing over the year.  WBro Berkley thanked WBro Mike Winterbottom for all his hard work he does as the PGM’s Special Representative for the Liverpool area.  These included the Liverpool Mark festival, (to be held at Liverpool Masonic Hall, Hope Street on 7th March) and the January Social evening, which was a success again this year.   We wish the Worshipful Master and University of Liverpool Mark Lodge a successful and candidates.
Words and pictures by Derek Gaskell